Friday, June 27, 2008

Day one of Roadie weekending

Was not exactly as expected. Took the Giant into work and plonked it behind reception (I'll leave the Be One in the bike Shelter, but not the Giant!). Unfortunately got stuck in work again so my plan of the spin home via Laragh did not happen. I did manage to get to the Sally Gap before hanging a right and heading for Kilbride, Blessington.

It was a nice spin until I hit the climb up past Glencree towards Kippure. A driving mist came down with strong winds to boot. Was pretty miserable until Sally Gap when the sun came out. After that it was a pretty straight forward run home.
61 kms in distance (not including the 22 to work)
580 metres of climbing (was good to get in the Cruagh and Glencree/Kippure climbs)
2 hours 28 mins.

Was disappointed in not getting the spin to Laragh, so instead of heading to South Kildare, I might do the same spin in the opposite direction including Laragh tomorrow - weather permitting (but its looking good).

Not sure if I'll make the 1000 kms this month, but I should beat last months 903 kms.

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